
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tilapia and Couscous with a Flair

Tonight's dinner had a Mediterranean feel to it. We had tilapia that was simply pan sauteed for 3 minutes on each side and topped with a Warm Olive Salsa. The salsa was made with some chopped Roma tomatoes that got a quick saute in the skillet before the fish went in. The sauteed tomatoes went in to a bowl that had chopped pimento-stuffed olives, fresh chopped parsley and oregano. It was covered and kept warm until the fish was cooked. The fish was seasoned with salt and pepper with a little freshly chopped oregano and went in to a non-stick pan sprayed with cooking spray. Once done the fish was drizzled with a little olive oil and had a squeeze of fresh lemon juice before being topped with the Warm Olive Salsa. This was a great combination. The fish was perfectly cooked and still moist - just perfect.

The couscous went in to a pot of boiling water along with some grated lemon zest and had the usual standing time of 5 minutes. Once fluffed with a fork, some toasted pine nuts were added along with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkling of salt and pepper.

The menu came from my Cooking Light cookbook and the entire meal came in at under 400 calories. It certainly tasted like a lot more calories.


  1. There is not one thing in this whole meal that did not sound delicious!
